Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Part 3:Chapter 20-22

Part 3: Chapter 20-22
            Chapter 20: As soon as Okonkwo had left the clan someone else had replaced him by taking over his spot. Okonkwo had lost his place among the nine masked spirits who administered justice. In the clan he lost the chance to lead warlike clan against the new religion, and lost the years in which he might have taken the highest titles in the  clan. Ezinma grew up as one of the most beautiful girls in Mbanta. Many young men and prosperous middle-aged men of Mbanta came to marry her. She had refused every last one of them, because her father choose that she should marry in Umuofia. Umuofia had changed a lot when Okonkwo was in exile. The church had taken come and led many astray. Ogbuefi Ugonna had taken two titles but he left all that behind just to join the Christians.
            Chapter 21: One of the great man, Akunna, had given his sons to be taught the white man's knowledge in Mr. Brown 's school. Whenever Mr. Brown went to that village he spent long hours with Akunna in his obi talking through an interpreter about religion. Mr. Brown built a school and a little hospital in Umuofia because he came to the conclusion that a frontal attack on it would not succeed. He went from family begging people to send their children to his school. What had really convince them to come was the speaking Mr. Brown told them. He had told them that " the leaders of the land in the future would be men and woman who had learned to read and write. If the people in strangers would come from other places to rule them."
            Chapter 22: Enoch had tore off one of the spirits mask. The other egwugwu had to immediately surround around him to shield him from the profane gaze of women and children while leading him away. Enoch had killed an ancestral spirit by his actions and because of that Umuofia was thrown in confusion. 

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